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What is a table?

All relational databases, including PostgreSQL, organize data into tables (also known as “relations”) containing rows, columns, and cells. Much like a single spreadsheet might have multiple sheets within it, a single database will typically have several — or sometimes several dozen — tables within it. Unlike most spreadsheets though, database tables are usually highly interconnected. In a database, relationships offer a robust mechanism for one cell to reference one record in another table. By leveraging relationships, we can unlock the ability to model complex data structures via multiple linked tables.

Managing tables

Mathesar lets you add/remove/rename tables from within the database page. You can also add descriptions to your tables which are stored in PostgreSQL as COMMENTs.

Keep in mind that your ability to alter tables may be limited by access control.

Table Permissions

  • Owner: In PostgreSQL, every table has a role set as its owner.

    Only the owner can:

    • Drop the table
    • Alter the table’s columns
    • Manage table-level privileges
    • Transfer ownership
  • Granted Privileges: Additionally, the following privileges on one table may be granted to specific roles in PostgreSQL:

    • SELECT - Allows reading data from the table
    • INSERT - Allows creation of new records within the table.
    • UPDATE - Allow updating existing records within the table.
    • DELETE - Allow deletion of records from the table.
    • TRUNCATE - Allows the deletion of all records from the table at once
    • REFERENCES - Allow creation of foreign key constraints that reference the table.
    • TRIGGER - Allow creation of triggers on the table.

See the PostgreSQL docs for more info.

To manage the owner and granted privileges for a table, navigate to the table page in Mathesar and click on the Table Permissions button at the top right.