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Mathesar 0.1.7


Mathesar 0.1.7 introduces linked table navigation from the data cell context menu. This release also fixes the regeneration of exploration share URLs and removes the ‘group’ suffix in the Data Explorer column names.

See the upgrading section below for instructions on how to upgrade to this version.

This page provides a comprehensive list of all changes in the release.


Linked Table Navigation from Cell Context Menu

Users can now navigate to linked tables from the cell context menu, providing a more seamless experience when working with linked data.



Bug fixes

Fixed Regeneration of Exploration Share URL

Fixed an issue where clicking “Regenerate Link” for a shared exploration failed to create a new URL and resulted in a 404 API request. Now, users will see a successful API call with a new, regenerated share URL.


Remove ‘group’ Suffix in Data Explorer

Resolved an issue in the Data Explorer where the grouping column name was incorrectly suffixed with ‘group’. Now, the original column names are preserved when summarizing data.



  • Upgrade Instructions for 0.1.7 #3534


  • Bump Django from 4.2.10 to 4.2.11 #3496
  • Made Release Notes Script Portable #3529
  • Removed Stray Changes Post Script Update #3530
  • Integrated Changes from Previous Release Preparation #3517
  • Added Demo Target in Dockerfile for Future Deployments #3523
  • New RPC Endpoint Implementation for Superuser Functions #3524

Upgrading to Mathesar 0.1.7

For installations using Docker Compose

If you have a Docker compose installation (including one from the guided script), run the command below:

docker compose -f /etc/mathesar/docker-compose.yml up --pull always -d

Your installation directory may be different

You may need to change /etc/mathesar/ in the command above if you chose to install Mathesar to a different directory.

For installations done from scratch

If you installed Mathesar from scratch, then use these steps to upgrade your installation to 0.1.7.

  1. Go to your Mathesar installation directory



    Your installation directory may be different from above if you used a different directory when installing Mathesar.

  2. Pull version 0.1.7 from the repository

    git pull
    git checkout 0.1.7
  3. Update Python dependencies

    pip install -r requirements-prod.txt
  4. Activate our virtual environment

    source ./mathesar-venv/bin/activate
  5. You can skip the following if you’re upgrading from versions 0.1.4 and above.

    • If you’re upgrading from versions <= 0.1.3, update your environment variables according to the the new configuration specification.
    • In particular, you must put the connection info for the internal DB into new POSTGRES_* variables. The DJANGO_DATABASE_URL variable is no longer supported.
  6. Add the environment variables to the shell before running Django commands

    export $(sudo cat .env)
  7. Run Django migrations

    python migrate
  8. Download and extract frontend assets

    unzip && mv static_files mathesar/static/mathesar && rm
  9. Compile Mathesar translation files

    python compilemessages
  10. Update Mathesar functions on the database:

    python -m mathesar.install --skip-confirm | tee /tmp/
  11. Restart the gunicorn server

    systemctl restart gunicorn